Healing the world one song at a time


“DESTINY, has been critically acclaimed and has garnered comparisons to the likes of Sia, Sade, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Björk, Florence and the Machine, Les Nubians, Stevie Nicks among others... Roswitha mixes gorgeous violin playing alongside her sultry vocals. With an infectious blend of jazz, classical, R&B, hip hop, rock and pop, Roswitha creates music that appeals to the masses, which transcends to the stage flawlessly.”
— Jane Lambert, Modern Mystery Blog

“I’ve put this album under “progressive rock.”…“art rock,”… This is great music that features a lot of violin and very complex compositions and arrangements. There’s a real focus on R&B and soul music, but plenty of other things, most notably world music … Personally, I’d say it falls closest to Bjork… quite an intriguing album … vocals on this cut make me think of Stevie Nicks quite a bit… pure style.”
— Gary Hill, Music Street Journal

“… dazzles crowds with genre-bending compositions with mixed rock, funk, classical, new age, world fusion, and experimental-folk explosions of sonic beauty…. Nothing is amiss here.”
— Gary Hill, Music Street Journal

Rose’s SELF-PRODUCED World-SOUL ALBUM “DESTINY” was accepted in 10 categories of the GRAMMY BALLOTS.

She’s like Sia, Bjork & Jimi Hendrix with a violin.